be giving me any dented up cans!” said a very irritated lady to me while I was
assisting her at the local food pantry.
A minute later, “this bread is squished on one side.”
pressed my teeth together and told her as politely as I could that all of this
food was donated and if we turned down every dented can or squished bread,
there would be no food to give.
she rolled her eyes and threw it in the cart.
when I had finished my volunteer shift and was driving home, I realized that I
was really angry. How dare this woman
complain about free food?! I started to
think of all kinds of snippy comebacks if she were to come again. I said to myself, most people are so
grateful, but gosh, some people!
Clearly, she must not need the food if she is going to complain about
it. She shouldn’t even be coming to the
home I went, in a huff about ungrateful people.
I knew I should pray for this lady, so that night, I opened my Bible and
said a prayer that God would soften her heart.
When I looked down, I realized that my Bible was open to Luke 6. I read it, and one verse struck me like a
palm to the forehead.
“If someone slaps you
on one cheek, offer the other one also.
If someone demands your coat, offer your shirt also.” Luke 6:29
I read this verse, I was ashamed to admit that I had responded to the woman at
the pantry in a very non-Jesus-like way.
But this way doesn’t make any sense!
I thought. This is enabling her
to come in and mistreat the volunteers who are just trying to help! And that’s when I heard God say to me, ‘your ways are not my ways, Kristin. Your’s is the heart that needs softening.’
was a few short months later, when the same lady arrived at the pantry again.
Silently dreading the employ of Luke 6:29, I said a quick prayer and went to
greet her. I put a huge smile on my face
and called her by name. When she
demanded non-dented cans, I searched through our supply and found some. When she rolled her eyes at the over-ripe
produce, I did my best to find her some that looked better. When she treated me rudely, I smiled at her
and said, “ok.” And when she was done, I
touched her arm and said, “God bless you.”
She looked at me for the briefest moment, smiled, and said, “you too.”
more I walk in the ways of Jesus, the more I realize that he knows what he’s
doing when he issues instructions for us.
There are all kinds of reasons that I could justify treating her just as
rudely (and the world would be ready to back me up with a high five) but God
says not to trust those. God says all
people deserve love, and if you can’t show them love, just show them a loving
most beautiful thing of all is that I feel better, too. I actually look forward to seeing her now,
because I get the chance to see if she’ll smile again. After all, who doesn't love a challenge?