
Monday, February 24, 2014

Day 20 | God In Us
“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”  Romans 8:26

I think this verse is extremely pertinent on our journey for “desire”. It first calls us to admit that we could possibly have weakness… that there could be things we need to ask of God for. There might be things that we can’t accomplish on our own. We actually might not always have the ability within ourselves to even ask God for the things he wants us to ask for. 

At first this verse left me feeling like the two year old that is fighting bedtime with tears and tantrum, while the ever knowing parent gently whispers, “trust me… sleep right now is what you need most, that’s why I'm making you stay in bed ‘til you fall asleep”. That feeling of being vulnerable and to be honest, ignorant. 

But in our weakness we have a helper, someone that we can trust. 

And perhaps even when we fumble and ramble about, praying in tears and tantrum, asking for things we think we need or want, God in us cries out to Himself asking for us what we cannot ask for ourselves.

God’s love in response to our weakness is a sign that prayer is accomplishing in us the best things for us… no matter what.

-Matt Stowell

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