I think everyone of us longs to leave a legacy to
our loved ones. For some, we hope to leave behind a faithful marriage that stands
the test of selfishness. For others, we hope to create an atmosphere in our
home that helps our kids cultivate a deep love for God and His ways. Yet, for
others, we try to use the gifts and talents God gave us to build a family
business that will provide for our family long after we are gone. I think
legacies are important and I think they are important to Jesus.
On the night that Jesus was arrested he invites his
closest friends, his disciples, to a meal. At this meal in the Upper Room,
Jesus would laugh, tell great stories, reminisce, grieve, and then do something
quite astounding. He gave the disciples a gift. He gave them his legacy.
The Scriptures describe it this way…
they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke
it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.”
Then he took a cup, and when
he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of
you. This
is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for
many for the forgiveness of sins.
In that Upper Room, Jesus did not leave his favorite
trinkets, a well-worn Hebrew scroll, he did not give these guys a motivational
speech. He gave them himself.
In church this past weekend we celebrated Communion
which reenacts and remembers this sacred event 2000 years ago. If we are not
careful, we can easily miss the significance of celebrating Communion and the legacy
Jesus has left us. The bread is spiritual nourishment that reminds us that
Jesus gave his body in order to redeem ours. The cup is spiritual nourishment
that reminds us that the blood of Jesus has washed away our sins. The bread and
cup make words like forgiveness, mercy, grace, love, restoration, and
redemption come to life.
However, we will never appreciate the gravity of
this legacy if we do not try to understand the gravity of our sin. We will
never understand the value of Jesus giving his body for us if we do not
understand how worthless the idols are that we create on a daily basis.
Jesus is for us in a way that we will never fully
grasp. What if the bread and the cup nourish us in such a way that we are reminded
God loves us more than we can ever imagine? What if the bread and the cup
invite us to serve unconditionally and with great generosity? What if, we are
called to leave the same kind of legacy?
-Dan Wright
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