As I
read my Bible, there is a one particular story that catches my attention and my
heart every time. This story is found in the Gospel of Mark, chapter five.
Jesus, who had just healed a demon possessed man on the other side of the Sea
of Galilee, comes back across the sea and is met with a crowd. Among the crowd
is a man names Jairus, who is described as a “ruler of the synagogue” or a
“synagogue official.” He falls on his knees before Jesus and begs him to come
and save his dying daughter. As Jesus is on his way to Jairus’ house, a woman
who had a hemorrhage for 12 years touches the edge of Jesus cloak and is
instantly healed of her affliction. By the time Jesus makes it to Jairus’
house, the young man’s daughter had died. Jesus enters the house and with a few
words, restores life to the little girl.
might be thinking, “That’s awesome, but Jesus healed a lot of people,” and
you’re exactly right. But what blows my mind about this story is not the
healings themselves, but rather the situations of those being healed. It didn’t
matter that one was a wealthy young father and the other was a poor, out-casted
woman. It didn’t matter that one had stature and title, and the other had
desperation and humiliation. Jesus restored life to both, whether in rags or
riches. For one it was the life of a daughter, for the other, it was being
restored to the community and getting her life back. Healing was found at the
feet of Jesus. That’s what we, as believers, need to remember. Regardless of
our stature, social standing, titles, or wealth, healing can be found at the
feet of Jesus Christ, who pays no attention to such things. All he cares about
is that we believe in him, and he can restore life in rags or riches.
-Jake Houf
know what you might be thinking; “It’s amazing that Jesus healed that woman,
and brought a young girl back to life!” Yes, it is amazing, but that’s not why
this story gets me. The story gets me because of the life situations at play.
In Jesus’ time, the rulers of a synagogue, or the synagogue officials were
persons of power and usually wealth. They were known to be well versed in the
Jewish law and generally live very comfortable lives. As Jewish believers, they
were also not terribly big fans of Jesus. That’s what makes this story so
incredible. Jairus’ plea goes beyond religious tradition and beyond his
comfortable lifestyle. We don’t see a wealthy official, we see a worried and
desperate father. Wow! A father doing whatever he can to save his daughter…
falling at the feet of Jesus, the healer.
is even more amazing about this story is Jesus’ interaction with the
hemorrhaging woman. In that time, if you had any sort of bleeding or
affliction, you were basically kicked out of the community. You couldn’t offer
sacrifices at the temple; you couldn’t practice your faith in the synagogue…you
were basically left on the outside of everything until you were better. In fact
you were supposed to yell, “unclean” as you travelled the streets so that
nobody would come in contact with you. Anyone who did touch you would be
considered unclean as well. So for the woman, touching Jesus’ robe was risky
business. She risked making Jesus unclean by doing so, but knew that he was the
only one who could make her well. After she is healed, Jesus stops and
acknowledges that someone had touched him, and the woman confesses what she had
done. He blesses her and sends her away clean, healed, and restored to life in
the community. Wow…another desperate situation cleansed at the feet of Jesus.

-Jake Houf
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