One of those days Jesus went out to
a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.
Luke 6:
Jesus who had no sin to confess would spend entire nights in prayer, then is
not prayer so much more than simply confessing your sins and making your
requests known to him? Absolutely. Prayer is what strengthens us, as it was for
Jesus. The fellowship we have with Him
is cultivated, developed and renewed through prayer. We have no power on our own to maintain our
spiritual life. Our strength comes from
communing with Him, seeking His face, listening to Him without distraction.
If we are to have our whole heart
turned towards God, we must have it turned away from man, from all that
occupies and interests, whether of joy or sorrow.
Everything that is not God, that
excites or fears or stirs our efforts or awakens our hopes or makes us glad,
hinders us in our perfect waiting on Him.
When it is seen that waiting on God
is itself an unspeakable blessedness – one of the highest forms of fellowship
with the Holy One – the adoration of Him in His glory will of necessity humble
the soul into a holy stillness, making way for God to speak and reveal Himself.
on God, Andrew
often do we get away, and spend more than just a few minutes in hasty prayer
and reading a few verses? Are we taking
the time to come into His presence in all seasons of our life, whether we are
having moments of happiness and peace and enjoying life, or facing unexpected
circumstances that causes us unrest and fear.
Just as Jesus needed to get alone with God away from all that distracts,
the good things as well as the stressful things, it is imperative that we grasp
the importance of this…and do it.
“Then you will call on me and come
and pray to me, and I will listen to you.
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord…
29: 12, 13
Father, I yearn for you, yet how often do I let the distractions of life get in the way. Give me the discipline to find time to be with you. Make it evident within my soul when I am in need of getting away to be alone with you whether it be a few minutes within a busy day or an entire afternoon in your presence alone, or perhaps longer than that. Help me have the discipline to find time with you and to do it. And through that time, grant me the strength I need to continue to serve You in your kingdom. Thank you for the example of you, Jesus. Amen.
- Sue Parrott
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