Ambushed. I didn’t even see it coming. I walked into the meeting excited to discuss
some new ideas and walked out feeling like some bully had pushed me over one of
his cronies kneeling behind me – and this was a church meeting! As I hopped into my car, I was ticked and
wanted everyone else on the road to know it.
I was mad, hurt, and wanted to wallow in my self-pity.

As soon as the words came out of
my mouth I could see how dumb they were, but I needed to say them
none-the-less. Then I followed up my
rant with a desperate question, “Holy Spirit, I know I’m not feeling right
about all this, how am I supposed to feel and react towards all of this?”
a thunderbolt the words of James 1:2-3 came to mind, “consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many
kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops
a young pastor I’d been praying God would help me to mature and grow in my
capacity to lead and shepherd. He
answered – and I was not ready for it. I
actually started laughing out loud in my car as I put all the pieces together
(any bystander watching my transformation would have thought I was crazy).

moments of tension we’re all prone to anger, gossip, lust, or
discontentment. But by the help of the
Spirit we can begin to see our temptation more clearly and respond in a way
that reflects Christ’s life in us.
begin to incorporate this simple method of prayer into your life. As you bump into frustrations or temptation tell
God exactly what you’re feeling and what you’d like to do. It might not be pretty, but he already knows.
And by confessing those things out loud to God we tend to see our temptation
more clearly. Then, submit yourself to
the Holy Spirit by simply asking, “How should I be feeling about this situation
and how would you like me to respond?”
be surprised when he answers! Allow the
Spirit to bring Scripture to mind. And
when he does, thank him and yield to the direction he is leading you.
~ Ben Vaught
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